The ‘No Fixed Address’ eBook
An eBook of ‘No Fixed Address’ is now available on Ratuken Kobo and Amazon.
The Kobo version can be purchased from Rakuten Kobo and can be read on a Kobo eReader, a Kobo Books app or the Kobo Web Reader. Click on the screenshot below to go to the site. The Kobo preview includes the foreword, introduction, prologue and first chapter of the book.
The Kindle version can be purchased from the Amazon Australia site by clicking on the map of Australia below. The Kindle sample includes the foreword, introduction, prologue and first four chapters of the book. You can read Kindle Books on any Kindle device or Kindle reading app.
To purchase the Kindle version (in local currency) from Amazon sites in the UK, France, Netherlands. Germany, Italy, Spain, US, Canada, Mexico, India or Japan, click on the relevant map thumbnail below.
- UK
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